The Watchlist: Bedroom Trends 2021

Category:Plate Information

Slipping into a soft bed and pulling the fluffy quilt high above your head is the perfect way to say goodbye to the stress and fatigue of a whole day. When COVID-19 disrupts our daily lives and intensifies anxiety, it seems more important than ever to have a bedroom that can serve as a peaceful refuge.



So, when staying at home for a long time, what other factors can make our bedroom more comfortable and worthy of our attention? The following may give you some inspiration.


These popular elements are also used in our popular daily glasses. What are the acetate sheets with similar characteristics in Jimei Frames?


Pastel colors create a happy mood

Color Card: Baby Blue+Navajo Yellow+Twilight Blue+Tango Orange+Leather Brown

The wallpaper weakens the edges and corners to create an exclusive space

Color card: matcha color+bright green+sea blue+bright white+silver

Green plants create a calm atmosphere

Color card: bright white + cedar green + sand color + dusk blue + pure black

Flexible lighting shapes exquisite bedrooms

Color card: bright white + bronze + lily white + steam gray + glacier gray

Comfortable function corner brings unlimited possibilities

Color card: light gray green + sand color + bright white + gray green + mimosa yellow

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